Device Data

In MyDataHelps, participants may contribute data collected by wearables and other devices.

Because device data is a powerful tool available to MyDataHelps projects, we strongly recommend reading about device data concepts.

Query Device Data Points

Construct a DeviceDataQuery to specify filtering criteria, and execute the query using ParticipantSession.queryDeviceData. This query returns a DeviceDataResultPage containing DeviceDataPoint values.

At minimum, DeviceDataQuery requires a namespace value to filter by. Use known values of DeviceDataNamespace such as .fitbit or .project. Your query may also want to filter by type values retrieve specific types or categories of device data. See device data concepts for more information about namespaces and types, and project data collection settings for techniques to determine specific namespace/type values to use in your query.

Consult the programming guide for best practices on working with queries and paged results in MyDataHelpsKit.

SDK Reference


Working with project device data:

Querying for Recently Updated Project Device Data
let criteria = DeviceDataQuery(namespace: .project, observedAfter:
let result = try await session.queryDeviceData(criteria)
for dataPoint in result.deviceDataPoints {
    print("\(dataPoint.type): \(dataPoint.value)")
let criteria = DeviceDataQuery(namespace: .project, observedAfter: let result = try await session.queryDeviceData(criteria) for dataPoint in result.deviceDataPoints { print("\(dataPoint.type): \(dataPoint.value)") }

Retrieving the most recent device data point of a given type:

Fetching a Single Data Point
let criteria = DeviceDataQuery(namespace: .appleHealth, types: Set(["RestingHeartRate"]), limit: 1)
if let latestHR = try await session.queryDeviceData(criteria).deviceDataPoints.first {
    print("Your latest RHR: \(latestHR.value) on \(latestHR.observationDate?.formatted())")
let criteria = DeviceDataQuery(namespace: .appleHealth, types: Set(["RestingHeartRate"]), limit: 1) if let latestHR = try await session.queryDeviceData(criteria).deviceDataPoints.first { print("Your latest RHR: \(latestHR.value) on \(latestHR.observationDate?.formatted())") }

In the MyDataHelpsKit example app, see:

Persist Device Data Points

Use DeviceDataPointPersistModel and ParticipantSession.persistDeviceData to create new and/or update existing device data points.

Each device data point is uniquely identified by a combination of its properties, called a natural key, as identified in DeviceDataPointPersistModel. Data points are always persisted with the project namespace.

SDK Reference


Persisting Device Data Points
let source = DeviceDataPointSource(identifier: "BPCuff1", properties: ["Model": "BP130X", "Serial": "12345"])
let dataPoint = DeviceDataPointPersistModel(identifier: UUID().uuidString, type: "HeartRate", value: "73", units: "count/min", properties: ["PostalCode": "48104", "Sequence": "32"], source: source, startDate: nil, observationDate: .now)
do {
    try await session.persistDeviceData([dataPoint])
    print("Data point updated.")
} catch {
    print("Error persisting data point: \(MyDataHelpsError(error))")
let source = DeviceDataPointSource(identifier: "BPCuff1", properties: ["Model": "BP130X", "Serial": "12345"]) let dataPoint = DeviceDataPointPersistModel(identifier: UUID().uuidString, type: "HeartRate", value: "73", units: "count/min", properties: ["PostalCode": "48104", "Sequence": "32"], source: source, startDate: nil, observationDate: .now) do { try await session.persistDeviceData([dataPoint]) print("Data point updated.") } catch { print("Error persisting data point: \(MyDataHelpsError(error))") }

In the MyDataHelpsKit example app, see: