SDK Reference v2.0.0 / ExternalAccountProvidersQuery


struct ExternalAccountProvidersQuery

Specifies filtering and page-navigation criteria for external account provider queries.

All filter criteria are optional. Set non-nil/non-default values only for the properties you want to use for filtering.

static let defaultLimit: Int

The default and maximum number of results per page.

static let firstPageNumber: Int

The page index that indicates the first page of results.

let search: String?

Limit search results to account providers whose keyword, postal code, city, or state begins with the search string. Case-insensitive.

let category: ExternalAccountProviderCategory?

Limit search results to account providers with the specified category.

let limit: Int

Maximum number of results per page. Default and maximum value is 100.

let pageNumber: Int

Identifies a specific page of data to fetch. The default is firstPageNumber, fetching the first page of results. For convenience, to fetch the page following a given ExternalAccountProvidersResultPage, use page(after:) to construct a copy of this query with pageNumber incremented.

init(search: category: limit: pageNumber:)
init(search: String? = nil, category: ExternalAccountProviderCategory? = nil, limit: Int = defaultLimit, pageNumber: Int = firstPageNumber)

Initializes a new query for a page of external account providers with various filters.


Limit search results to account providers whose keyword, postal code, city, or state begins with the search string. Case-insensitive.


Limit search results to account providers with the specified category.


Limit search results to account providers with the specified category.


Identifies a specific page of data to fetch. The default is firstPageNumber, fetching the first page of results. For convenience, to fetch the page following a given ExternalAccountProvidersResultPage, use page(after:) to construct a copy of this query with pageNumber incremented.

func page(after page: ExternalAccountProvidersResultPage) -> ExternalAccountProvidersQuery?

Creates a copy of this query for a page of results following the given page, with the same filters as the original query.


the previous page of results, which should have been produced with this query.