SDK Reference v2.0.0 / ExternalAccountProvidersResultPage


struct ExternalAccountProvidersResultPage

A page of external account providers.

Call page(after:) on the original ExternalAccountProvidersQuery that produced these results to construct a query that will fetch the next page.

let externalAccountProviders: [ExternalAccountProvider]

A list of providers filtered by the query criteria.

let totalCount: Int

The total number of providers across all pages of results matching the query criteria.

let pageNumber: Int

The page index for this specific page of results.

init(result: query:)
init(result: APIResponse, query: ExternalAccountProvidersQuery)

APIResponse—the data returned from the API endpoint—does not include a pageNumber. Combine the APIResponse with the query that produced the response so the caller has access to the pageNumber to safely perform paging.