SDK Reference v2.0.0 / MyDataHelpsError


enum MyDataHelpsError : Error

Detailed categorization of errors produced by MyDataHelpsKit.

Do not expect error descriptions to be user-readable or localized, unless otherwise specified.

case decodingError(Error)

Failure to decode a model object.

case encodingError(Error)

Failure to encode a model object.

case invalidSurvey

Survey failed to present to the user because of an invalid survey name.

case serverError(HTTPResponseError)

Unexpected server error, e.g. an HTTP 500 error. Check the included HTTPResponseError for details, and contact support if you need help determining the problem.

tooManyRequests(_: _:)
case tooManyRequests(APIRateLimit, HTTPResponseError)

Server request limit exceeded. The associated APIRateLimit indicates when throttling will reset, and the HTTPResponseError may include an error message (non-localized) suitable for debugging. Contact support with any questions.

case timedOut(Error?)

A server request timed out.

case unauthorizedRequest(HTTPResponseError)

A server request had a missing or invalid access token. The access token should be refreshed and a new ParticipantSession created, if applicable.

case webContentError(Error?)

Web content (e.g. a MyDataHelps survey) unexpectedly failed to load, due to a network, server, or web content failure. Includes any underlying error, if available.

case unknown(Error?)

A wrapper for unexpected errors. Includes the underlying Error object that triggered the unexpected error, if applicable.