SDK Reference v2.0.0 / SurveyViewController
final class SurveyViewController : UIViewController
Presents a MyDataHelps survey for the participant to complete. This view controller implements the complete user experience for a MyDataHelps survey, including step navigation and sending results to MyDataHelps, and is intended for modal presentation.
See Presenting Surveys for a detailed guide to using SurveyViewController
SurveyViewController is not intended for subclassing.
enum MyDataHelpsKit.SurveyViewController.SurveyResult : String
Describes how a participant completed interaction with a survey.
See SurveyViewController
for usage; note that your app must dismiss the SurveyViewController in all result cases.
let presentation: SurveyPresentation
Information about the survey being presented to the participant.
init(presentation: completion:)
init(presentation: SurveyPresentation, completion: @escaping (SurveyViewController, Result<SurveyResult, MyDataHelpsError>) -> Void)
Initializes a SurveyViewController that presents a given survey to a participant.
Information about the survey being presented to the participant. Construct this using ParticipantSession.surveyPresentation(surveyName:)
Called when the participant has completed interaction with the survey. The completion callback must always dismiss the SurveyViewController.