External Accounts

Participants frequently have accounts with services external to MyDataHelps, such as their provider’s EHR, their health plan, or their wearable device manufacturer. For more information see External Accounts. The external accounts API gives you a way for participants to link MyDataHelps to their external account(s), and to manage that link once it’s been established.

When you use the API to connect an external account, MyDataHelps will initiate an OAuth connection to the external service so the participant can authorize MyDataHelps to retrieve data. Applications are in control of how they present this functionality, such as by creating a generic form for any new connection, or with a button which connects to a specific service that is associated with your project.

MyDataHelps periodically polls and persists data from connected external accounts. Removing a connected external account deletes all related data. Refreshes can be manually triggered using the operation documented below. On iOS and Android devices, refreshes can also be triggered using the externalAccountSyncComplete event.

Account Status

The external account’s status reflects whether MyDataHelps was able to successfully retrieve data.

  • unauthorized - The external account connection failed because MyDataHelps is not authorized to access the account. This can happen if the authorization has expired or the participant has revoked authorization.

  • fetchingData - The connected external account is in the process of fetching data.

  • error - An error occurred while fetching data.

  • fetchComplete - The connected external account has successfully retrieved data.

Retrieve External Account Providers

MyDataHelps.getExternalAccountProviders(search, category, pageSize, pageNumber)

Retrieves the list of external account providers supported by MyDataHelps.


search string

Limit search results to account providers whose keyword, postal code, city, or state begins with the search string. Case-insensitive.

category string

Limit search results to account providers with a category exactly matching the search string. Case-insensitive. one of “Provider”, “Health Plan” or “Device Manufacturer”.

pageSize integer (required)

Specifies how many entries per page to return.

pageNumber integer (required)

Specifies which page of the paginated output to access. Zero-indexed.



Resolves to a results collection containing a list of external account providers.

results[n].totalExternalAccountProviders int

The total number of providers available.


The list of providers.

results[n].externalAccountProviders.id int

Assigned identifier for this external account provider.

results[n].externalAccountProviders.name string

Name of the external account provider.

results[n].externalAccountProviders.category string

Type of account provider; one of “Provider”, “Health Plan” or “Device Manufacturer”.

results[n].externalAccountProviders.logoUrl string

Full URL from which the logo can be retrieved. Undefined if no logo is available for the provider.


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Retrieving an External Account Provider
MyDataHelps.getExternalAccountProviders("careevolution", "provider")
	.then( function(result) {
	} );
MyDataHelps.getExternalAccountProviders("careevolution", "provider") .then( function(result) { console.log(result); } );
Console Output
  externalAccountProviders: [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "CareEvolution FHIR",
      "category": "Provider",
      "logoUrl": "https://mydatahelps.org/api/v1/delegated/externalaccountproviders/1/logo"
  totalExternalAccountProviders: 1719
{ externalAccountProviders: [ { "id": 1, "name": "CareEvolution FHIR", "category": "Provider", "logoUrl": "https://mydatahelps.org/api/v1/delegated/externalaccountproviders/1/logo" }, ... ], totalExternalAccountProviders: 1719 }

Connect an External Account


This will initiate a secure OAuth connection to the specified external account provider, where the participant will be prompted to provide their credentials and authorize MyDataHelps to retrieve data from the account.


externalAccountProviderID int (required)

The ID of the external account provider, available from the Retrieve External Account Providers API.


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Retrieve Connected External Accounts




Resolves to a results collection containing a list of connected external accounts.

results[n].id int

Assigned identifier for this connected external account.

results[n].status string

Account status. See account status values.

results[n].provider ExternalAccountProvider

The provider for this external account.

results[n].provider.id int

Unique identifier for this provider.

results[n].provider.name string

Provider name.

results[n].provider.category string

The type of provider. One of: Provider, Health Plan or Device Manufacturer.

results[n].provider.logoUrl string

A URL referencing the provider’s logo image (or a default image if no logo is available).

results[n].lastRefreshDate date

Date (in UTC) when the account last successfully refreshed.

results[n].connectionDate date

Date (in UTC) when the account initially connected.


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Retrieving All Connected External Accounts
	.then( function(result) {
	} );
MyDataHelps.getExternalAccounts() .then( function(result) { console.log(result); } );
Console Output
    "id": 5,
    "status": "fetchingData",
      "id": 1,
      "name": "CareEvolution FHIR",
      "category": "Provider",
      "logoUrl": "https://mydatahelps.org/api/v1/delegated/externalaccountproviders/1/logo"
    "lastRefreshDate": "2021-05-03T20:16:44.873Z"
[ { "id": 5, "status": "fetchingData", "provider": { "id": 1, "name": "CareEvolution FHIR", "category": "Provider", "logoUrl": "https://mydatahelps.org/api/v1/delegated/externalaccountproviders/1/logo" }, "lastRefreshDate": "2021-05-03T20:16:44.873Z" } ]

Request the Refresh of Data from a Connected External Account


This will initiate an asynchronous data refresh from the specified external account. If you need to know when the refresh has completed, you can poll the getExternalAccounts API and wait for the status to change to fetchComplete.


accountId int (required)

The ID for the external account to refresh, available from the Retrieve Connected External Accounts API.



A promise which resolves if the operation succeeded.


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Requesting the Refresh of an External Account
var accountId = 5;

	.then( function() {
		console.log("Successfully requested refresh");
	} );
var accountId = 5; MyDataHelps.refreshExternalAccount(accountId) .then( function() { console.log("Successfully requested refresh"); } );

Delete an External Account Connection



accountID int (required)

The ID of the account to disconnect, available from the Retrieve Connected External Accounts API.



A promise which resolves if the operation succeeded.


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Deleting an External Account
var accountId = 5;

	.then( function() {
		console.log("Successfully deleted the connected external account.");
	} );
var accountId = 5; MyDataHelps.deleteExternalAccount(accountId) .then( function() { console.log("Successfully deleted the connected external account."); } );