Project Settings

The project methods return information about the project and its settings.

Get Project Info


Retrieve general project information.



Resolves to a result object containing project data. guid

Unique project identifier. string

Project’s display name, localized based on participant’s language settings.

result.description string

Projects display description, localized based on participant’s language settings.

result.type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

result.code string

Code used by participants to enroll in this project, if code enrollment is allowed.

result.supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

result.supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

result.learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

result.learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL, localized based on participant’s language settings.

result.organization object
result.organization[n].id guid

Unique organization identifier.

result.organization[n].name string

Organization name.

result.organization[n].description string

Organization description.

result.organization[n].logoUrl string

A URL to the organization’s logo.

result.organization[n].color string

The organization’s brand color.

result.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, Android, and Web.


MyDataHelps Views
MyDataHelps Embeddables
Web View Steps
Retrieving Project Information
	.then( function(result) {
	} );
MyDataHelps.getProjectInfo() .then( function(result) { console.log(result); } );
Console Output
  "id": "1d878704-64e6-e811-816b-9e01d28da2ca",
  "name": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
  "type": "Research Study",
  "description": "Cutting-edge sleep study.",
  "code": "AAAAA",
  "supportEmail": "",
  "supportPhone": "888-555-1234",
  "learnMoreLink": "",
  "learnMoreTitle": "Learn More At Test Project HQ",
  "organization": {
    "color": "#000000",
    "description": "General Hospital of AnyTown USA",
    "id": "063c0905-446b-4cd5-aa9f-3da958fec94a",
    "logoUrl": "",
    "name": "General Hospital Research"
  "platforms": [
{ "id": "1d878704-64e6-e811-816b-9e01d28da2ca", "name": "General Hospital Sleep Study", "type": "Research Study", "description": "Cutting-edge sleep study.", "code": "AAAAA", "supportEmail": "", "supportPhone": "888-555-1234", "learnMoreLink": "", "learnMoreTitle": "Learn More At Test Project HQ", "organization": { "color": "#000000", "description": "General Hospital of AnyTown USA", "id": "063c0905-446b-4cd5-aa9f-3da958fec94a", "logoUrl": "", "name": "General Hospital Research" }, "platforms": [ "Web", "Android", "iOS" ] }

Get Data Collection Settings


Retrieve settings related to data collection for the participant and their project.



Resolves to a result object containing data collection settings fields.

result.fitbitEnabled bool

Indicates whether Fitbit data collection is enabled for this project.

result.ehrEnabled bool

Indicates whether Electronic Health Record data collection is enabled for this project.

result.garminEnabled bool

Indicates whether Garmin data collection is enabled for this project.

result.airQualityEnabled bool

Indicates whether Air Quality data collection is enabled for this project.

result.weatherEnabled bool

Indicates whether Weather data collection is enabled for this project.

result.queryableDeviceDataTypes collection

A collection of device data types that are supported by the current project configuration and can be queried using the Device Data API. A participant may not have data available for all data types. Note: Although data from the project namespace can be queried using the Device Data API, it is not included in this list. SDK developers manage which data types exist within their project’s namespace.

result.queryableDeviceDataTypes[n].namespace string

The namespace to use when querying the Device Data API.

result.queryableDeviceDataTypes[n].type string

The type to use when querying the Device Data API.

result.sensorDataCollectionEndDate date

Date when sensor data collection ended or will end for this participant, in ISO8601 format.

More Info: Stopping Device Data Collection.


MyDataHelps Views
MyDataHelps Embeddables
Web View Steps
Retrieving Data Collection Settings
	.then( function(result) {
	} );
MyDataHelps.getDataCollectionSettings() .then( function(result) { console.log(result); } );
Console Output
  "fitbitEnabled": false,
  "ehrEnabled": false,
  "airQualityEnabled": false,
  "garminEnabled": false,
  "weatherEnabled": false,
  "queryableDeviceDataTypes": [
      "namespace": "AppleHealth",
      "type": "RestingHeartRate"
      "namespace": "AppleHealth",
      "type": "Steps"
  "sensorDataCollectionEndDate": "2022-04-20T00:00:00-04:00"
{ "fitbitEnabled": false, "ehrEnabled": false, "airQualityEnabled": false, "garminEnabled": false, "weatherEnabled": false, "queryableDeviceDataTypes": [ { "namespace": "AppleHealth", "type": "RestingHeartRate" }, { "namespace": "AppleHealth", "type": "Steps" }, ... ], "sensorDataCollectionEndDate": "2022-04-20T00:00:00-04:00" }