Uploaded Files

With the SDK, you can manage files uploaded by participants.

Query Uploaded Files


Queries for uploaded files associated with the current participant.


category string

Queries files with the specified category.

limit int

How many entries to include in each page of results. Default and maximum is 100.

pageID string

Each page of results will return a nextPageID if there are additional pages that can be queried. Supply that as pageID to query the next page. When excluded, retrieves the first page.



Resolves to a result object containing a page of file data.

result.files collection

A list of UploadedFile objects filtered by the query parameters.

result.files[n].key string

A primary key used to identify the file.

result.files[n].participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.


Internal, stable, unique ID for the participant.

result.files[n].category string

The category used to group related files.

result.files[n].fileName string

The name of the uploaded file.

result.files[n].lastModified date

Date (in UTC) when the file was last modified.

result.nextPageID string

An ID to be used with subsequent queries. Results from queries using this ID as the pageID parameter will show the next page of results. This field is null if there isn’t a next page.


MyDataHelps Views
MyDataHelps Embeddables
Web View Steps
Querying for Uploaded Files
var queryParameters = {
	category: "images",
	limit: 3,
	pageID: "gVWx3AtXMpsEXGd9NWVS"

	.then( function(result) {
	} );
var queryParameters = { category: "images", limit: 3, pageID: "gVWx3AtXMpsEXGd9NWVS" }; MyDataHelps.queryFiles(queryParameters) .then( function(result) { console.log(result); } );
Console Output
    "files": [
            "participantID": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687",
            "participantIdentifier": "PT-123",
            "key": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/images/2024-05-12T14:16:36.244Z_Kitty.jpg",
            "category": "images",
            "fileName": "Kitty.jpg",
            "lastModified": "2024-05-12T10:16:37-04:00"
            "participantID": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687",
            "participantIdentifier": "PT-123",
            "key": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/files/2024-05-12T14:51:30.569Z_Llama.jpg",
            "category": "workout-videos",
            "fileName": "Llama.jpg",
            "lastModified": "2024-05-12T10:51:32-04:00"
    "nextPageID": "A8MAqb65R6Ezx7NdzcND"
{ "files": [ { "participantID": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687", "participantIdentifier": "PT-123", "key": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/images/2024-05-12T14:16:36.244Z_Kitty.jpg", "category": "images", "fileName": "Kitty.jpg", "lastModified": "2024-05-12T10:16:37-04:00" }, { "participantID": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687", "participantIdentifier": "PT-123", "key": "58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/files/2024-05-12T14:51:30.569Z_Llama.jpg", "category": "workout-videos", "fileName": "Llama.jpg", "lastModified": "2024-05-12T10:51:32-04:00" }, ... ], "nextPageID": "A8MAqb65R6Ezx7NdzcND" }

Upload File

MyDataHelps.uploadFile(file, category, fileName?)

Uploads a file for the current participant.


  • The maximum file size is 200MB.
  • Only images, PDFs, audio files, and video files are allowed.


file file (required)

The file to upload.

category string (required)

The category used to group related files. May only contain alphanumeric characters and limited symbols: dot (.), dash (-), and underscore (_).

fileName string

An optional fileName to use when storing the uploaded file. May only contain alphanumeric characters and limited symbols: dot (.), dash (-), and underscore (_).



Resolves to a result object containing the upload information.

result.preSignedUrl string

A pre-signed URL offering secure, time-limited access to the file. The time the URL expires is embedded in the URL.


MyDataHelps Views
MyDataHelps Embeddables
Web View Steps
Upload File
// file would typically come from a HTML file input element.
var file = document.getElementById('fileUpload').files[0];
MyDataHelps.uploadFile(file, "images")
	.then( function(result) {
	} );
// file would typically come from a HTML file input element. var file = document.getElementById('fileUpload').files[0]; MyDataHelps.uploadFile(file, "images") .then( function(result) { console.log(result); } );
Console Output
  "preSignedUrl": "https://your-presigned-secure-image-url/58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/image/2024-03-14T17:26:43.526Z_kitty.jpg?Expires=1715527513&various-access-credentials..."
{ "preSignedUrl": "https://your-presigned-secure-image-url/58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/image/2024-03-14T17:26:43.526Z_kitty.jpg?Expires=1715527513&various-access-credentials..." }

Get File Download URL


Returns a pre-signed URL that allows secure, time-limited access to download a file from the file store. Uses the key obtained from the queryFiles method. The time the URL expires is embedded in the URL in the Expires query parameter.


key string (required)

Primary key for the file to download.



Resolves to a result object containing the download information.

result.preSignedUrl string

A pre-signed URL offering secure, time-limited access to the file. The time the URL expires is embedded in the URL.


MyDataHelps Views
MyDataHelps Embeddables
Web View Steps
Get Download URL
// You would usually get the key from a prior query request.
	.then( function(result) {
	} );
// You would usually get the key from a prior query request. MyDataHelps.getFileDownloadUrl("58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/images/2024-05-12T14:16:36.244Z_Kitty.jpg") .then( function(result) { console.log(result); } );
Console Output
  "preSignedUrl": "https://your-presigned-secure-image-url/58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/image/2024-03-14T17:26:43.526Z_kitty.jpg?Expires=1715527513&various-access-credentials..."
{ "preSignedUrl": "https://your-presigned-secure-image-url/58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/image/2024-03-14T17:26:43.526Z_kitty.jpg?Expires=1715527513&various-access-credentials..." }

Delete File


Deletes an uploaded file using the key obtained from the queryFiles method.


key string (required)

Primary key for the file to delete.


MyDataHelps Views
MyDataHelps Embeddables
Web View Steps
Delete File
// You would usually get the key from a prior query request.
	.then( function(result) {
		console.log("File deleted.");
	} );
// You would usually get the key from a prior query request. MyDataHelps.deleteFile("58b331cc-50ee-460b-8e7e-871e08867687/images/2024-05-12T14:16:36.244Z_Kitty.jpg") .then( function(result) { console.log("File deleted."); } );