Projects API

The projects API allows you to create and manage your MyDataHelps projects.

Project Object

The basic project object is common to many of the project APIs.

id guid

Unique project identifier.

name string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

licensed boolean

Indicates whether the project has been licensed.

displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.code string

Code used by participants to enroll in this project, if allowCodeEnrollment is true. This code may be entered manually, or embedded in a QR code.

enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Sample Project Data
    "id": "1d878704-64e6-e811-816b-9e01d28da2ca",
    "name": "Sleep Time Study",
    "licensed": false,
    "appLayoutDisabled": true,
    "type": "Research Study",
    "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
    "displayDescription": "Cutting-edge sleep study.",
    "enrollmentSettings": {
        "code": "ABC123",
        "allowCodeEnrollment": true,
        "requireIdentifierValidation": false,
        "showInSearch": false,
        "platforms": [
        "surveyID": "063c0905-446b-4cd5-aa9f-3da958fec94a"
    "allowSurveyCompletionViaLink": true,
    "participantIdentifierPrefix": "PPT",
    "defaultProtectedParticipants": false,
    "supportEmail": "",
    "supportPhone": "888-555-1234",
    "learnMoreLink": "",
    "learnMoreTitle": "Learn More At Test Project HQ",
    "institutionsEnabled": true,
    "localizations": {
        "es": {
            "learnMoreTitle": "Project HQ (Spanish Version)",
            "displayName": "Test Project (Spanish Version)",
            "displayDescription": "Cutting-edge... (Spanish Version)"
    "emailInvitationSettings": {
        "mode": "notification",
        "emailNotificationIdentifier": "SLEEP-Invitation-Email"
    "notificationSettings": {
        "emailFromName": "General Hospital Sleep Stody",
        "emailReplyToAddress": ""
{ "id": "1d878704-64e6-e811-816b-9e01d28da2ca", "name": "Sleep Time Study", "licensed": false, "appLayoutDisabled": true, "type": "Research Study", "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study", "displayDescription": "Cutting-edge sleep study.", "enrollmentSettings": { "code": "ABC123", "allowCodeEnrollment": true, "requireIdentifierValidation": false, "showInSearch": false, "platforms": [ "iOS", "android", "web" ], "surveyID": "063c0905-446b-4cd5-aa9f-3da958fec94a" }, "allowSurveyCompletionViaLink": true, "participantIdentifierPrefix": "PPT", "defaultProtectedParticipants": false, "supportEmail": "", "supportPhone": "888-555-1234", "learnMoreLink": "", "learnMoreTitle": "Learn More At Test Project HQ", "institutionsEnabled": true, "localizations": { "es": { "learnMoreTitle": "Project HQ (Spanish Version)", "displayName": "Test Project (Spanish Version)", "displayDescription": "Cutting-edge... (Spanish Version)" } }, "emailInvitationSettings": { "mode": "notification", "emailNotificationIdentifier": "SLEEP-Invitation-Email" }, "notificationSettings": { "emailFromName": "General Hospital Sleep Stody", "emailReplyToAddress": "" } }

Localization Settings

Several project settings can be localized for different languages, specifically:

  • displayName
  • displayDescription
  • learnMoreTitle

The localizations field stores the localized versions of these strings, indexed by language code. The following example shows how you might specify localized versions of the project’s display name and description:

Sample Localizations Settings
  "localizations": {
      "es": {
        "displayName": "Spanish Project Name",
        "displayDescription": "Spanish Project Description"
      "zh-Hans": {
        "displayName": "Chinese Project Name",
        "displayDescription": "Chinese Project Description"
"localizations": { "es": { "displayName": "Spanish Project Name", "displayDescription": "Spanish Project Description" }, "zh-Hans": { "displayName": "Chinese Project Name", "displayDescription": "Chinese Project Description" } }

If a localized version is not specified for a string, the default (English) version will be used.

Supported language codes include:

  • es - Spanish
  • zh-Hans - Simplified Chinese.

Get Projects

GET /api/v1/administration/projects/

Response Fields

projects collection

List of projects. guid

Unique project identifier. string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

projects.type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

projects.licensed boolean

Indicates whether the project has been licensed.

projects.displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

projects.displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

projects.enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

projects.enrollmentSettings.code string

Code used by participants to enroll in this project, if allowCodeEnrollment is true. This code may be entered manually, or embedded in a QR code.

projects.enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

projects.enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

projects.enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

projects.enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

projects.enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

projects.allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

projects.participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

projects.supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

projects.supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

projects.learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

projects.learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

projects.production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

projects.institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

projects.localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

projects.emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

projects.emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

projects.emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

projects.notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

projects.notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

projects.notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Sample Response
        "id": "eebabb6e-3908-4a49-8379-97e50f92a971",
        "name": "Sleep Study",
        "id": "7d0d36cc-8597-4418-9beb-3e5a6af28922",
        "name": "Nutrition Study",
[ { "id": "eebabb6e-3908-4a49-8379-97e50f92a971", "name": "Sleep Study", ... }, { "id": "7d0d36cc-8597-4418-9beb-3e5a6af28922", "name": "Nutrition Study", ... } ]
See Project Object for all project fields.

Get Project

GET /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectID

Response Fields

id guid

Unique project identifier.

name string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

licensed boolean

Indicates whether the project has been licensed.

displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.code string

Code used by participants to enroll in this project, if allowCodeEnrollment is true. This code may be entered manually, or embedded in a QR code.

enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Sample Response
    "id": "1d878704-64e6-e811-816b-9e01d28da2ca",
    "name": "Sleep Time Study",
    "type": "Research Study",
    "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
{ "id": "1d878704-64e6-e811-816b-9e01d28da2ca", "name": "Sleep Time Study", "type": "Research Study", "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study", ... }
See Project Object for all project fields.

Add Project

POST /api/v1/administration/projects/

Body Fields

name string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Response Fields

actionTaken string

Indicates the action performed: add, update, delete, or none.

result object

The project data. guid

Unique project identifier. string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

result.type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

result.licensed boolean

Indicates whether the project has been licensed.

result.displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

result.displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

result.enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

result.enrollmentSettings.code string

Code used by participants to enroll in this project, if allowCodeEnrollment is true. This code may be entered manually, or embedded in a QR code.

result.enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

result.enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

result.enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

result.enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

result.enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

result.allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

result.participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

result.supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

result.supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

result.learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

result.learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

result.production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

result.institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

result.localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

result.emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

result.emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

result.emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

result.notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

result.notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

result.notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Sample Body Data
    "name": "Sleep Study",
    "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
    "supportEmail": "",
    "enrollmentSettings": {
        "allowCodeEnrollment": true
{ "name": "Sleep Study", "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study", "supportEmail": "", "enrollmentSettings": { "allowCodeEnrollment": true } ... }
Sample Response
    "actionTaken": "add",
    "result": {
        "id": "5d9061e1-9807-4ea7-a2f9-f5c9ddeeb5bb",
        "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
        "supportEmail": "",
        "enrollmentSettings": {
            "code": "AB123",
            "allowCodeEnrollment": true,
{ "actionTaken": "add", "result": { "id": "5d9061e1-9807-4ea7-a2f9-f5c9ddeeb5bb", "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study", "supportEmail": "", "enrollmentSettings": { "code": "AB123", "allowCodeEnrollment": true, ... } ... }
See Project Object for all project fields.

Update Project

PUT /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectID

Updates project details.

Body Fields

name string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Response Fields

actionTaken string

Indicates the action performed: add, update, delete, or none.

result object

The project data. guid

Unique project identifier. string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

result.type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

result.licensed boolean

Indicates whether the project has been licensed.

result.displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

result.displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

result.enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

result.enrollmentSettings.code string

Code used by participants to enroll in this project, if allowCodeEnrollment is true. This code may be entered manually, or embedded in a QR code.

result.enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

result.enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

result.enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

result.enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

result.enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

result.allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

result.participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

result.supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

result.supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

result.learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

result.learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

result.production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

result.institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

result.localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

result.emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

result.emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

result.emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

result.notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

result.notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

result.notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Sample Body Data
    "name": "Sleep Study",
    "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
    "supportEmail": "",
    "enrollmentSettings": {
        "allowCodeEnrollment": true
{ "name": "Sleep Study", "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study", "supportEmail": "", "enrollmentSettings": { "allowCodeEnrollment": true } ... }
Sample Response
    "actionTaken": "update",
    "result": {
        "id": "5d9061e1-9807-4ea7-a2f9-f5c9ddeeb5bb",
        "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
        "supportEmail": "",
        "enrollmentSettings": {
            "code": "AB123",
            "allowCodeEnrollment": true,
{ "actionTaken": "update", "result": { "id": "5d9061e1-9807-4ea7-a2f9-f5c9ddeeb5bb", "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study", "supportEmail": "", "enrollmentSettings": { "code": "AB123", "allowCodeEnrollment": true, ... } ... }
See Project Object for all project fields.

Delete Project

DELETE /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectID

Response Fields

actionTaken string

Indicates the action performed: add, update, delete, or none.

result object

The project data. guid

Unique project identifier. string

Internal project name. Cannot be changed after the project is created.

result.type string

Project type, displayed to participants and used to filter search results. May be one of: Research Study, Wellness Program, or Clinical Program.

result.licensed boolean

Indicates whether the project has been licensed.

result.displayName string

Project name displayed to participants.

result.displayDescription string

Description of the project displayed to participants.

result.enrollmentSettings object

Project settings related to enrollment.

result.enrollmentSettings.code string

Code used by participants to enroll in this project, if allowCodeEnrollment is true. This code may be entered manually, or embedded in a QR code.

result.enrollmentSettings.allowCodeEnrollment boolean

Whether to allow participants to enroll using a code, including by scanning a QR code.

result.enrollmentSettings.requireIdentifierValidation boolean

Whether a valid participant identifier (given to the participants in advance) is required for enrollment.

result.enrollmentSettings.showInSearch boolean

Whether to list the project in the public projects directory. Available to licensed projects only.

result.enrollmentSettings.platforms collection

A list of platforms that participants may use. Options include: iOS, android, and web.

result.enrollmentSettings.surveyID guid

Identifier for the project consent survey.

result.allowSurveyCompletionViaLink boolean

Whether to allow survey completion via link.

result.participantIdentifierPrefix string

Prefix added to auto-generated participant identifiers.

result.supportEmail string

Contact email for project support displayed to participants.

result.supportPhone string

Contact number for project support displayed to participants.

result.learnMoreLink string

A URL where participants can learn more about the project.

result.learnMoreTitle string

Site name or title for the learnMoreLink URL.

result.production boolean

Whether the project is in production mode.

result.institutionsEnabled boolean

Whether the project has enabled institutions.

result.localizations object

Translated versions of participant-visible text, such as project name and description. See localization settings for details.

result.emailInvitationSettings object

Project settings related to email invitations.

result.emailInvitationSettings.mode string

Controls which email participants get when they are invited to join the project. Options include: default (the default system email), none (you will send the email yourself), and notification (a custom notification specified by emailNotificationIdentifier).

result.emailInvitationSettings.emailNotificationIdentifier string

Identifier for the notification sent to invited participants when the invitation mode is set to notification.

result.notificationSettings object

Project settings related to notifications.

result.notificationSettings.emailFromName string

The name that will show as the sender in the ‘from’ field for email-based notifications.

result.notificationSettings.emailReplyToAddress string

The email address that will be used when replying to email-based notifications.

Sample Response
    "actionTaken": "delete",
    "result": {
        "id": "5d9061e1-9807-4ea7-a2f9-f5c9ddeeb5bb",
        "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study",
        "supportEmail": "",
        "enrollmentSettings": {
            "code": "AB123",
            "allowCodeEnrollment": true,
{ "actionTaken": "delete", "result": { "id": "5d9061e1-9807-4ea7-a2f9-f5c9ddeeb5bb", "displayName": "General Hospital Sleep Study", "supportEmail": "", "enrollmentSettings": { "code": "AB123", "allowCodeEnrollment": true, ... } ... }
See Project Object for all project fields.

Get Institutions

GET /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectID/institutions

Gets a list of all institutions defined within a project.

Response Fields

institutions array guid

An internal ID uniquely identifying the institution.

institutions.code string

A unique project-assigned code for the institution. string

Display name for the institution.

Sample Response
        "id": "82a3006f-4073-4d0b-ad51-a1bce31cce78",
        "code": "City",
        "name": "City General"
        "id": "fac4d6fc-5609-4607-a76e-4dd7359259a4",
        "code": "County",
        "name": "County General"
[ { "id": "82a3006f-4073-4d0b-ad51-a1bce31cce78", "code": "City", "name": "City General" }, { "id": "fac4d6fc-5609-4607-a76e-4dd7359259a4", "code": "County", "name": "County General" } ]

Add/Update Institution

POST /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectID/institutions

If the provided code matches an existing institution, the system will update that institution. Otherwise it will create a new one.

Body Data

code string

A unique project-assigned code for the institution.

name string

Display name for the institution.

Response Fields

actionTaken string

Indicates the action performed: add, update, delete, or none.

result object

The institution data. guid

An internal ID uniquely identifying the institution.

result.code string

A unique project-assigned code for the institution. string

Display name for the institution.

Sample Body Data
    "code": "City",
    "name": "City General"
{ "code": "City", "name": "City General" }

Delete Institution

DELETE /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectID/institutions/:institutionID

Response Fields

actionTaken string

Indicates the action performed: add, update, delete, or none.

result object

The institution data. guid

An internal ID uniquely identifying the institution.

result.code string

A unique project-assigned code for the institution. string

Display name for the institution.

Sample Response
    "actionTaken": "delete",
    "result": {
        "id": "754526e5-3c2c-ee11-aaca-0afb9334277d",
        "code": "City",
        "name": "City General"
{ "actionTaken": "delete", "result": { "id": "754526e5-3c2c-ee11-aaca-0afb9334277d", "code": "City", "name": "City General" } }


For project exports, see Exports API.