Participant Administration API

The participant administration API allows you to manage your participants. You can find groups of participants or specific participants and update their data.

Participant Object

The basic participant object is common to many of the participant APIs.

id guid

Internal, stable, unique ID for this participant.

enrolled boolean

Whether the participant has completed enrollment.

enrollmentDate date

Date when the participant completed enrollment, in ISO8601 format.

insertedDate date

Date when the participant record was created, in ISO8601 format.

invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

linkIdentifier string

Auto-generated identifier used to complete surveys via link, if that feature is enabled for the project.

demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

demographics.firstName string
demographics.middleName string
demographics.lastName string
demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
demographics.state string
demographics.postalCode string
demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

Sample Participant Data
  "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b",
  "enrolled": true,
  "invitationStatus": "approved",
  "insertedDate": "2020-06-16T15:23:00.9+00:00",
  "enrollmentDate": "2020-06-16T15:23:00.967+00:00",
  "participantIdentifier": "4c9d3554-7cb1-456e-89ca-5387bda4803c",
  "linkIdentifier": "0971fbcd-ec92-414c-bd49-41a3c8b6547b",
  "demographics": {
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "John",
    "middleName": "James",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "dateOfBirth": "2000-06-16",
    "preferredLanguage": "en",
    "gender": "M",
    "utcOffset": "-04:00:00",
    "street1": "123 Main Street",
    "street2": "Apartment #1",
    "city": "Anytown",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "12345"
  "customFields": {
    "Medication1": "Warfarin",
    "Smoker": 0,
    "SurgeryDate": "2021-08-10"
  "excludeFromExport": false,
  "institutionCode": "County"
{ "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b", "enrolled": true, "invitationStatus": "approved", "insertedDate": "2020-06-16T15:23:00.9+00:00", "enrollmentDate": "2020-06-16T15:23:00.967+00:00", "participantIdentifier": "4c9d3554-7cb1-456e-89ca-5387bda4803c", "linkIdentifier": "0971fbcd-ec92-414c-bd49-41a3c8b6547b", "demographics": { "email": "", "firstName": "John", "middleName": "James", "lastName": "Smith", "dateOfBirth": "2000-06-16", "preferredLanguage": "en", "gender": "M", "utcOffset": "-04:00:00", "street1": "123 Main Street", "street2": "Apartment #1", "city": "Anytown", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "12345" }, "customFields": { "Medication1": "Warfarin", "Smoker": 0, "SurgeryDate": "2021-08-10" }, "excludeFromExport": false, "institutionCode": "County" }

Query Participants

GET /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectId/participants

Query Parameters

query string

Limits search to participants with a demographic field or identifier containing this string. When a segment ID is provided, this will also search custom fields.

segmentID guid

Limits search to participants in a certain segment.

customField string

You can query by a custom field using a query parameter named customField.NAMEOFCUSTOMFIELD. For example, /participants?customfield.StateOfResidence=AR. You may have multiple custom field query parameters.

segmentSortBy string

Specifies how participants will be sorted. Only valid when segment ID is specified. Possible values are: CustomField.FIELD_NAME, DemographicField.DEMOGRAPHIC_NAME, ParticipantIdentifier, SecondaryIdentifier, InvitationStatus, InsertedDate (default), and EnrollmentDate

segmentSortAscending boolean

Specify true to sort in ascending order, false in descending order. Only valid when segment ID is specified.

pageNumber integer

If participants span multiple pages, this parameter specifies which page to retrieve. 0-indexed.

pageSize integer

The number of participants returned per page. Default 20.

Response Fields

totalParticipants integer

The total number of participants in the query.

participants collection

A list of data fields for each participant matching the query. guid

Internal, stable, unique ID for this participant.

participants.enrolled boolean

Whether the participant has completed enrollment.

participants.enrollmentDate date

Date when the participant completed enrollment, in ISO8601 format.

participants.insertedDate date

Date when the participant record was created, in ISO8601 format.

participants.invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

participants.participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

participants.secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

participants.linkIdentifier string

Auto-generated identifier used to complete surveys via link, if that feature is enabled for the project.

participants.demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

participants.demographics.firstName string
participants.demographics.middleName string
participants.demographics.lastName string
participants.demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

participants.demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

participants.demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

participants.demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

participants.demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
participants.demographics.state string
participants.demographics.postalCode string
participants.demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

participants.demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

participants.customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

participants.excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

participants.institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

participants.addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

pageNumber integer

If participants span multiple pages, this is the page returned. 0-indexed.

Sample Response
  "pageNumber": 0,
  "totalParticipants": 4,
  "participants": [
      "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b",
      "enrolled": true,
      "invitationStatus": "approved",
      "id": "c9238480-6a9d-11eb-9439-0242ac130002",
      "enrolled" false,
      "invitationStatus": "pending",
{ "pageNumber": 0, "totalParticipants": 4, "participants": [ { "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b", "enrolled": true, "invitationStatus": "approved", ... }, { "id": "c9238480-6a9d-11eb-9439-0242ac130002", "enrolled" false, "invitationStatus": "pending", ... }, ... ] }
See Participant Object for all participant fields.

Get Participant

GET /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectId/participants/:participantID

Query Parameters

queryByID boolean

When false (the default), the participantId segment will be interpreted as the ParticipantIdentifier. When true, the participantId will be interpreted as the internal ID.

Response Fields

id guid

Internal, stable, unique ID for this participant.

enrolled boolean

Whether the participant has completed enrollment.

enrollmentDate date

Date when the participant completed enrollment, in ISO8601 format.

insertedDate date

Date when the participant record was created, in ISO8601 format.

invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

linkIdentifier string

Auto-generated identifier used to complete surveys via link, if that feature is enabled for the project.

demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

demographics.firstName string
demographics.middleName string
demographics.lastName string
demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
demographics.state string
demographics.postalCode string
demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

Sample Response
  "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b",
  "enrolled": true,
  "invitationStatus": "approved",
{ "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b", "enrolled": true, "invitationStatus": "approved", ... }
See Participant Object for all participant fields.

Add/Update Participant

PUT /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectId/participants

Body Parameters

The following parameters may be included in the body of the request, and will be stored or updated on the participant. Partial updates are supported.

invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

demographics.firstName string
demographics.middleName string
demographics.lastName string
demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
demographics.state string
demographics.postalCode string
demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

Response Fields

actionTaken string

Indicates whether the participant was added or updated.

result object

The added or updated participant record. guid

Internal, stable, unique ID for this participant.

result.enrolled boolean

Whether the participant has completed enrollment.

result.enrollmentDate date

Date when the participant completed enrollment, in ISO8601 format.

result.insertedDate date

Date when the participant record was created, in ISO8601 format.

result.invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

result.participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

result.secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

result.linkIdentifier string

Auto-generated identifier used to complete surveys via link, if that feature is enabled for the project.

result.demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

result.demographics.firstName string
result.demographics.middleName string
result.demographics.lastName string
result.demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

result.demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

result.demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

result.demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

result.demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
result.demographics.state string
result.demographics.postalCode string
result.demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

result.demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

result.customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

result.excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

result.institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

result.addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

Sample Body Parameters
      "demographics": {
          "email": "",
          "name": "John Doe"
      "customFields": {
          "Smoker": 1
{ "demographics": { "email": "", "name": "John Doe" }, "customFields": { "Smoker": 1 } }
Sample Response
    "actionTaken": "update",
    "result": {
      "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b",
      "enrolled": true,
      "invitationStatus": "pending"
{ "actionTaken": "update", "result": { "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b", "enrolled": true, "invitationStatus": "pending" ... } }
See Participant Object for all participant fields.

Get Participant Segments

GET /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectId/participants/:participantID/segments

Response Fields

segments collection

A list of segments the participant belongs to.

segments.segmentID guid

Unique internal identifier for the segment.

segments.segmentName string

The segment name.

segments.addDate date

The date the participant was added to the segment, in ISO8601 format.

Sample Response
        "segmentID": "f4828980-3a25-46c7-8d54-ea6bfc4fa970",
        "segmentName": "Under 35",
        "addDate": "2022-11-10T02:20:05.44Z"
        "segmentID": "08936f17-0327-429b-bb2c-5c79180238cd",
        "segmentName": "Recently Enrolled",
        "addDate": "2022-11-10T02:20:05.44Z"
[ { "segmentID": "f4828980-3a25-46c7-8d54-ea6bfc4fa970", "segmentName": "Under 35", "addDate": "2022-11-10T02:20:05.44Z" }, { "segmentID": "08936f17-0327-429b-bb2c-5c79180238cd", "segmentName": "Recently Enrolled", "addDate": "2022-11-10T02:20:05.44Z" } ]

Bulk Add/Update Participants

POST /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectId/participants

Query Parameters

allowUpdate boolean

Determines whether existing participants may be updated by the request. If allowUpdate is false and an existing participantIdentifier is passed in, an error will be returned.

Body Parameters

participants collection

List of participant data.

participants.invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

participants.participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

participants.secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

participants.demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

participants.demographics.firstName string
participants.demographics.middleName string
participants.demographics.lastName string
participants.demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

participants.demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

participants.demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

participants.demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

participants.demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
participants.demographics.state string
participants.demographics.postalCode string
participants.demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

participants.demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

participants.customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

participants.excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

participants.institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

participants.addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

sendDefaultInvitationNotifications boolean

Whether the system should send invitation notifications to the new participants. (Default false.)

Response Fields

totalAdded string

The number of participants added.

totalUpdated string

The number of participants updated.

results collection

A list of the newly added or updated participant records.

results.actionTaken string

Indicates whether the participant was added or updated.

results.result object

The added or updated participant record. guid

Internal, stable, unique ID for this participant.

results.result.enrolled boolean

Whether the participant has completed enrollment.

results.result.enrollmentDate date

Date when the participant completed enrollment, in ISO8601 format.

results.result.insertedDate date

Date when the participant record was created, in ISO8601 format.

results.result.invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

results.result.participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

results.result.secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

results.result.linkIdentifier string

Auto-generated identifier used to complete surveys via link, if that feature is enabled for the project.

results.result.demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

results.result.demographics.firstName string
results.result.demographics.middleName string
results.result.demographics.lastName string
results.result.demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

results.result.demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

results.result.demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

results.result.demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

results.result.demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
results.result.demographics.state string
results.result.demographics.postalCode string
results.result.demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

results.result.demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

results.result.customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

results.result.excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

results.result.institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

results.result.addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

Sample Body Parameters
    "participants": [
            "demographics": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "John Doe"
            "customFields": {
                "Smoker": 1
            "demographics": {
                "email": "",
                "name": "Another Test Person"
            "participantIdentifier": "3a713a06...",
            "customFields": {
                "Smoker": 0
    "sendDefaultInvitationNotifications" : true
{ "participants": [ { "demographics": { "email": "", "name": "John Doe" }, "customFields": { "Smoker": 1 } }, { "demographics": { "email": "", "name": "Another Test Person" }, "participantIdentifier": "3a713a06...", "customFields": { "Smoker": 0 } }, ... ], "sendDefaultInvitationNotifications" : true }
Sample Response
    "totalAdded": 1,
    "totalUpdated": 2,
    "results": [
        "actionTaken": "update",
        "result": {
          "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b",
          "enrolled": true,
          "invitationStatus": "approved"
        "actionTaken": "add",
        "result": {
          "id": "c9238480-6a9d-11eb-9439-0242ac130002",
          "enrolled" false,
          "invitationStatus": "pending",
{ "totalAdded": 1, "totalUpdated": 2, "results": [ { "actionTaken": "update", "result": { "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b", "enrolled": true, "invitationStatus": "approved" ... } }, { "actionTaken": "add", "result": { "id": "c9238480-6a9d-11eb-9439-0242ac130002", "enrolled" false, "invitationStatus": "pending", ... }, }, ... ] }
See Participant Object for all participant fields.

Delete Participant

DELETE /api/v1/administration/projects/:projectId/participants/:participantID

Query Parameters

queryByID boolean

When false (the default), the participantID segment will be interpreted as the ParticipantIdentifier. When true, the participantID will be interpreted as the internal ID.

Response Fields

actionTaken string

Indicates that the participant was deleted.

result object

The deleted participant record. guid

Internal, stable, unique ID for this participant.

result.enrolled boolean

Whether the participant has completed enrollment.

result.enrollmentDate date

Date when the participant completed enrollment, in ISO8601 format.

result.insertedDate date

Date when the participant record was created, in ISO8601 format.

result.invitationStatus string

Status of the participant’s invitation: pending, declined, cancelled, approved, notInvited, or null (not set).

result.participantIdentifier string

Project-set, unique participant identifier.

result.secondaryIdentifier string

(DEPRECATED) An alias for a custom field named SecondaryIdentifier, if one exists. See deprecation notice.

result.linkIdentifier string

Auto-generated identifier used to complete surveys via link, if that feature is enabled for the project.

result.demographics object

Key/value pairs containing basic participant demographics. Empty demographics will be omitted from queries. string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

result.demographics.firstName string
result.demographics.middleName string
result.demographics.lastName string
result.demographics.dateOfBirth string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

result.demographics.preferredLanguage string

Preferred language, based on device settings.

result.demographics.gender string

Gender code: M, F, O, or null.

result.demographics.street1 string

Line 1 of the street address.

result.demographics.street2 string

Line 2 of the street address. string
result.demographics.state string
result.demographics.postalCode string
result.demographics.mobilePhone string

Must be unique within a project. Cannot be updated once a participant has enrolled.

result.demographics.utcOffset string

Timezone represented as a UTC offset, e.g., -04:00:00.

result.customFields object

Key/value pairs containing project-specific custom fields.

result.excludeFromExport boolean

Specifies whether this participant is excluded from data exports. Typically used for test or withdrawn participants.

result.institutionCode string

Specifies which institution a participant is assigned to. Will be blank if the participant is not assigned to an institution.

result.addedToSegmentDate date

Date when the participant was added to the specified segment, in ISO8601 format. Will only be present when the segmentId query parameter is provided.

Sample Response
    "totalAdded": 1,
    "totalUpdated": 2,
    "results": [
        "actionTaken": "update",
        "result": {
          "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b",
          "enrolled": true,
          "invitationStatus": "pending"
{ "totalAdded": 1, "totalUpdated": 2, "results": [ { "actionTaken": "update", "result": { "id": "3a713a06-295d-4803-9602-776f09a1483b", "enrolled": true, "invitationStatus": "pending" ... } } ] }
See Participant Object for all participant fields.