Participant Access Tokens

To guard against unauthorized use, MyDataHelps requires an access token. When using MyDataHelps Embeddables within your own application (outside of MyDataHelps), you will need to manage the participant’s access token yourself.

Participant Access Tokens vs Service Access Tokens

MyDataHelps has two different types of access tokens:

  • Service access tokens are associated with a service account. Server-to-server applications use them with the REST API to access project resources from an administration standpoint.
  • Participant access tokens are associated with a single participant. Client applications use them with the SDK to access data for a single participant.

Since MyDataHelps Views, Embeddables, and Web View steps always take place within the context of a single participant, a participant-specific token limits access to just that participant’s data.

Access Token Data Flow

To maintain security of your data, it is imperative that you never include your service token or private key in your client application code. To request a participant token from your client application without using your service token, you will need to set up an authenticator to act as an intermediary.

Normally this authenticator will be part of your application layer, alongside whatever internal APIs your client app uses to get data and initiate actions. It could also be a stand-alone service. Either way, its purpose is to authenticate the user and then request a participant access token on their behalf.

Once you have the token, pass it to the SDK to initialize the participant’s session. To avoid connection interruptions, your client app must monitor for token expiration and request a new token (using the same process) before the old one expires.

Obtaining a Participant Access Token

To obtain a participant access token, your authenticator must first obtain a service token. See REST API Authentication for details. This lets the system verify that your app is authorized to request tokens on a participant’s behalf.

Once you have a service token, make a second request to the same token endpoint:


Include the following fields:

Field Meaning Value
scope The scope of access being requested. A space-separated list of scopes. See Scopes for a list of possible values.
grant_type The type of access being requested. delegated_participant
participant_id The participant’s globally-unique identifier. A participant identifier.
client_id Identifies the requesting application. RKStudio.DelegatedParticipant
client_secret A code associated with the requesting application. secret
token The service token. Your service token.

Default values are used for client ID and client secret because the service token identifies your application and acts as a secret key.

If the token request is successful, the server’s response will include the following data:

Field Meaning
access_token The alphanumeric access token.
expires_in When the token expires, expressed as a number of seconds from the date of the response.
token_type Bearer


A token can never access more than the associated participant would be able to, but you can use scopes to further limit what a token allows. As a best practice, only include the scopes you need for your desired use case.

api Full read/write access to all data for the associated participant. Avoid this in favor of finer-grained permissions whenever possible.
AppleHealthActivitySummaries:read Read Apple Health activity summaries.
AppleHealthWorkouts:read Read Apple Health workouts.
CustomEvents:write Write custom events.
DataCollectionSettings:read Read data collection settings.
DeviceData:read Read device data.
DeviceData:write Write device data.
ExternalAccounts:connect Connect to external accounts.
ExternalAccounts:read Read external accounts.
ExternalAccounts:write Write to external accounts.
FitbitDataSummary:read Read Fitbit data summary.
FitbitDailySummaries:read Read Fitbit daily summaries.
FitbitSleepLogs:read Read Fitbit sleep logs.
Notifications:read Read notifications.
Participant:read Read participant info.
SurveyAnswers:read Read survey answers.
SurveyResults:write Save survey results.
SurveyTasks:read Read survey tasks.

Initializing a Participant Session

Once you have a participant token, you must pass it to the SDK to initialize the participant session.

JavaScript SDK

In the JavaScript SDK, call:



In the iOS SDK, you will need to initialize a ParticipantSession object. See MyDataHelpsKit Authentication for details.

Monitoring For Token Expiry

Participant tokens expire, so apps must refresh them to avoid service interruptions.

JavaScript SDK

In the JavaScript SDK, you can subscribe to the tokenWillExpire event to be notified of impending token expiration. See Events for details. Refresh the token (using the same process as the original request) and update it using:



The iOS SDK doesn’t have an event for token expiration. Your app will need to keep track of the expires_in time returned by the token request. Refresh the token (using the same process as the original request) and create a new session. See MyDataHelpsKit Authentication for details.